


Don't delay your registration for the League’s first-ever 小镇 & State Dinner, scheduled for May 29 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Raleigh Convention Center. 空间有限 for this exclusive advocacy event, 为您提供与您的立法者在一个更亲密的环境中交流的机会,这对于建立关系网和加强关系是完美的. 和我们一起庆祝州和地方领导人,他们努力为市政当局及其居民争取权益. Members will hear the latest policy updates from 政府. 罗伊·库珀,众议院议长蒂姆·摩尔,司法部长乔什·斯坦,以及其他领导人. 

这次365足彩下载赞助的晚宴让你有机会和你的议员交往. While the League will be inviting legislators, a personal invitation directly from their constituents means more. After you register yourself, 一定要给你的议员打个电话,亲自邀请他或她和你共进晚餐. 365足彩下载会直接向立法委员发出电子和印刷邀请函. Legislators do not need to register; instead they can RSVP directly to 小镇&StateDinner@aykarteknoloji.com​.​ For this year’s legislative short session, the 小镇 & State Dinner is being held in lieu of 小镇 Hall Day.


高速宽带的缺乏影响着北卡罗莱纳州各种规模的社区, 365足彩下载邀请您学习社区宽带的基础知识. Join NCLM 立法 Counsel Erin Wynia on Thursday, May 10, at 10 a.m., for the 社区宽带 Basics webinar. 的 webinar will include highlights of the League’s 新宽带报告:关键词, explanations of technology, broadband public-private parnterships, the state's legal landscape, and tips on how to bring broadband networks to your community. 提前登记. 参加网络研讨会的说明将包含在您的注册确认中.

期待已久的 口头辩论 在美国之前就已经结束了.S. 这是一个关乎商业公平和地方政府资源的重要案件. ​Observers are analyzing where the justices might stand in South Dakota v. Wayfair, 该案件要求允许州和地方政府要求没有在州内实体存在的零售商——电子商务网站, for instance -- to collect sales tax. Such a decision would overturn a Supreme Court ruling from 1992 (Quill v. 北达科他州),零售商不需要收取和缴纳销售税,除非他们在该州有实体店. 的 enormous growth of e-commerce since then has earned it new scrutiny; it's now a $450 billion-per-year sector, 根据 50号公路的覆盖范围 的情况下. While a decision isn't expected until the end of June, 全国城市365足彩下载认为,有可能以四票推翻奎尔案的裁决, based on Tuesday's oral arguments and justices' comments. On the nine-member court, that would still leave a ruling overturning Quill one vote short, 但是,如果一项决定没有达到这一结果,同时仍能为城镇提供一些救济,可能会得到额外的支持. 

国家法律委员会发表了一份内部和外部来源的分析,分析了大法官们对此案的明显立场. "Based on oral argument the Court is likely to follow one of three paths. It could keep the physical presence test and not overturn Quill. 它可能会推翻Quill,并以经济联系测试取代(或增加)实体存在测试(如南达科他州的法律,该法律要求州外供应商只有在每年销售100美元时才能征税),000 worth of business or 200 separate transactions annually in the state). 最后, 它可以推翻Quill法案,允许各州要求所有州外的供应商征收销售税,无论他们在一个州做了多少生意." Hard projections regarding the outcome are difficult at this stage, 缴送工作说, 但是“推翻奎尔的四票并不太难(肯尼迪)。, 托马斯。, 金斯伯格, 和Gorsuch). Getting a fifth vote from Chief Justice Roberts or Justices Breyer, 阿利托, or Kagan as to an economic nexus test seems possible. Five votes to repudiate Quill with no replacement seems unlikely. 但大多数州和地方政府对经济联系测试没有意见." A CitiesSpeak博客 offers more context and analysis from the oral arguments. 《365体育足彩》, citing the National Conference of State Legislatures, points out that states lost an estimated $23.2012年,中国政府禁止从网上和目录上购买商品征收销售税.

N.C. 农村基础设施管理局(RIA)本周宣布批准了15项拨款申请,总额超过6美元.5 million for communities where there are commitments to create roughly 1,730 jobs along with an expected $214 million in private investment, 根据 a 新闻稿. “Communities need infrastructure such as buildings, 供水和下水道, and ready sites to attract business,N说。.C. Commerce Secretary Anthony Copeland on Thursday. “农村基础设施管理局今天批准的拨款将帮助农村社区获得经济发展项目,并为他们的地区带来就业机会.” Municipalities including Rutherfordton, 华盛顿, 安德鲁斯, Conover and Siler City were among winning applicants. 的 新闻稿 有完整的细节.

在当今所有的政治、经济和文化问题中,“城乡分化”问题不容忽视. 但有时它过于简单化,缺乏细微差别,或者变成了一种对抗性的叙述.e. “城市与. rural”), instead of carefully analyzed for greater-good fixes. On this episode of 市政方程 ——365足彩下载的 两周一次的播客 关于面对变化的城镇,我们深入研究了最近的一份报告,该报告打破了这种叙述,并为我们提供了一种看待这种“鸿沟”的不同方式,,并向我们展示了城市和农村的联系可能比人们想象的要紧密. Christiana McFarland of the National League of Cities joins us. ​​

播客新成员? 最新一集是一个很好的开始,但是我们有很多话题 过去事件的银行: ​broadband; police recruitment​; ​public outreach; generational change; the sharing economy; driverless cars; craft beer; creative economic development; and many more. Have an idea for an episode? Or feedback on one we've already done? Reach out to host/producer 本•布朗

的 Economic Census is just ahead, and it's a vital collector of business data for economic development. Conducted every five years with the business sector, 它是许多人口普查局和其他联邦统计项目的基石,这些项目提供有关美国人口健康状况的及时信息.S. economy," said a Census Bureau 本月通讯. Local officials should encourage businesses in their area to respond. 的 Bureau has created a number of explainers and promotional materials 帮助.
现在, 第一次, 经济普查将几乎全部在网上进行,方便查阅, a change from the paper-and-mail system of before. 人口调查局, 然而, 向近400万个营业地点发信,通知他们这一进程已经开始. “经济普查”提供全国范围内的行业和市场统计数据, 州和地方各级,并为企业提供他们做出明智决策所需的信息," 根据 program literature.

Drones are more available and advanced than ever, and the N.C. 交通运输部(NCDOT)希望确保地方政府和企业在他们的使用方面处于良好的状态. NCDOT航空无人机系统(UAS)项目分部最近在纳格斯黑德举行了一次研讨会,吸引了130多名与会者,讨论了无人机在应急响应和侵蚀监测等领域的应用. 数据管理、安全和其他实际应用也是重点. 这些免费的讲习班将继续进行,另一个讲习班计划与 2018 N.C. Drone Summit and Flight Expo on August 5-7 in Greensboro. “Drone technology is quickly advancing, 企业或政府机构有兴趣使用它的可能性也很大,——巴西尔·雅普, NCDOT's UAS Program Manager, 用一种 新闻稿.  “与会者现在应该清楚地了解如何使用这项技术, and what it takes to effectively implement drones into their organization.” 的 League's 市政方程 podcast in 2016 dedicated an episode to drones in local government​